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Who am I? A scenographer, designer, space creator, graphic designer and professional dreamer. All this underpinned by my diploma: master in interior architecture with specialization in scenography. It's important for me to keep developing myself. This on a creative, professional and personal level. Visiting museums is a hobby that has gotten out of hand and that stimulates my development on all three levels at once. After all, these visits inspire me time and time again. The same goes for books, cities and nature which encourage my creative thoughts every day.


I'm a hard worker and always eager to learn. Because of my Erasmus adventure, years of Chiro experience and volunteering as teacher for children with difficulties, I am a teamplayer who is independent, cares about people and knows what to do.


The best things of designing are: problem-solving thinking, the search for an original idea and figuring out the possible usage scenarios.

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Master Interior Architecture, Department of Scenography | Uhasselt

2017 - 2019

Internship | Deusjevo


Erasmus: Design and Sustainability | Linnaeus University, Sweden


Bachelor Interior Design | Sint-Lukas Brussel

2014 - 2017

Volunteer | deSingel




Student scenographer | Deusjevoo


Freelance scenographer | Roos Gellynck

2019 - 2021

Scenographer & graphic designer | OMGEVING

2019 - 2021

Graphic  designer | BureauBR

2019 - 2021

Scenographer | Niek Kortekaas


Studio tutor, Altering Practices for Urban Inclusion, Master arch | KULeuven

2020 - 2021

Scenographer (interim) | Bailleul


Scenographer | Pièce Montée

2021 - 2023

Scenographer | Fugzia

2023 - heden


Wanatoeprijs 2019 |  nomination

We are the next generation | selected  (link)

Design September: Yes, Yes, Yes, We Are Connecting' | won  (link)

Cera Award  2019 | nomination


Foire du livre: honor pavilion flanders,

Flirt Flamand-Deusjevoo | won (link)


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© 2024 - Roos Gellynck - Scenography & Spatial design

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